Jane and Maura gave us another deleted scene this Monday, deceivingly telling us that they would be discussing their favorite dates. While they didn't quite talk about the dates that we'd like to hear about, they still gave us some nice subtext to make it through the week.
The ladies started off the night with an interesting conversation about one of Jane's resolutions...

Hm, so apparently Jane's resolution was not to have "second dinner" this year. Now, if your mind went to the same place that mine did, then you are wondering why on earth Jane would say no to it.
Apparently, though, Jane has realized her mistake and thinks that they should have second dinner. I think she wants second dinner right now [Maura must look lovely in whatever it is that she's wearing] but Maura shuts her down. I'm thinking she's still upset about the scarf thing last week...

Now, the scene begins with Maura reading a book. Jane is not interested in the book. Jane is interested in Maura, so she teases Maura to distract her. Conversations about the advancements in technology [particularly plumbing and auto correct] ensue. The usual cute couply teasing also ensues.

Maura asks Jane what time she would like to go to. Rather than being witty and saying "last night" [because I'm sure Jane can't say that in front of an audience, that's private couple teasing] she suggests that last Tuesday would be a wonderful time to return to.

Maura realizes that Jane is making fun of her, and she's probably making that adorable slightly hurt face. And then my fangirl heart flutters when Jane asks if she can make it up to Maura. Then everyone's minds go to the gutter when Maura asks if Jane knows what she's wanted to do with her all week [please, Maura, enlighten us. Would it involve that scarf in any way..?]
Maura wants to go to yoga, which we all know is some sort of euphemism. They're going to find their centers, together, on the floor. Yep.

Jane thinks that they've said enough for tonight, because apparently they cannot give us all of the details of their make up "yoga" time. Plus, if she make another mistake she might end up running another marathon in spandex [although I'm sure none of us, including Maura, would mind seeing that]
We're given a promise for drinks again next week, if Jane can get out of her "reverse moon-dog" pose. Let's hope Maura takes it easy with her so we can enjoy more subtext next week ;]
Thanks for reading, and please leave a comment, they make me happy. See you all next week at The Robber! And if you can't make it, hopefully I'll see you here reading the tweetcap.